Furnsaj Bakery – Adjarski Khachapuri

Furnsaj Bakery – Adjarski Khachapuri

Khachapuri is a popular Georgian bread that is also commonly eaten in surrounding countries in the Middle East.

There are multiple types of khachapuri, but the most notable and popular in the US is the boat shaped adjaruli khachapuri, a.k.a. “cheese boat,”which originated from the Adjara region of Georgia.

The yeasted dough is baked and filled with a soft and stretchy cheese that is similar to mozzarella. After being partially baked, a whole egg  or two is added along with a pat of butter and the bread is returned to the oven to finish. It is best to enjoy the khachapuri hot and fresh from the oven, tearing hunks of the fluffy bread and dipping into the melted cheese mixed with creamy egg yolk.

Furnsaj Bakery is a Lebanese bakery that churns out fresh breads to order. Alongside its wonderful flat breads and shawarma plates (a future review!), Furnsaj also makes a mean khachapuri which they call adjarski. Their version is a bit flatter and less yeasty than the usual adjaruli khachapuri and is not as heavy. The crispy bread contrasts nicely with the gooey cheese and tender sunny side up eggs along with a liberal sprinkling of sesame seeds. Definitely go out of your way to try the adjarski from FurnSaj Bakery if you are the in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles – 2 stars!


Furnsaj Bakery

11146 Balboa Blvd
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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