Casa Dani – Tortilla

Casa Dani – Tortilla

There are several dishes that are emblematic of Spain; paella, sangria, and tapas. However, what most people don’t realize that these dishes are regional, seasonal, or very broad.

But there is one dish that is truly ubiquitous throughout all of Spain: tortilla. Not to be confused with Mexican tortillas, which are similar to a flatbread, Spanish tortillas are a mixture of egg and potato similar to a fritata.

Found in all sorts cafes, bodegas, and bars, tortillas are made with very few ingredients: eggs, potatoes, fantastic Spanish olive oil, salt, and controversially, sometimes onions. It serves as a perfect morning or afternoon snack. However, just because it is ubiquitous doesn’t mean that it is always good. They can err on the overcooked side with rubbery eggs, flavorless potatoes, or just hard and cold.

Casa Dani in Madrid, Spain
Located inside Mercado de la Paz in Salamanca

The ideal tortilla should be served immediately after it is made, with a soft and creamy interior packed with flavor. Casa Dani in Madrid hits all the right notes and even goes the extra mile by adding caramelized shallots to give it an extra savory layer of flavor. Served with high quality bread (a rarity in Spain!), this tortilla is the perfect snack anytime during the day.

⭐⭐⭐ Casa Dani is worth traveling all the way to the Salamanca neighborhood of Spain to have the world’s best tortilla española! “Accept no substitutes.”

Casa Dani
Calle de Ayala, 28
28001 Madrid, Spain

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