Yupdduk – Ddukbokki

Yupdduk – Ddukbokki

Just about every single Korean restaurant will have ddukbokki on their menu. So, what’s so special about a restaurant that specializes in it?

Ddukbokki is a ubiquitous street food from Korea. Dduk, or rice cakes, are stewed in a spicy-sweet sauce made from anchovy broth, gochujang (spicy pepper paste), and sugar. It can be eaten with a variety of toppings with fish cakes and hard-boiled eggs being classic additions. However, given its street food pedigree, just about anything can be added to the spicy sauce: instant ramen, dumplings, hot dogs… yes, HOT DOGS! Here in the States, it’s a ubiquitous and lackluster option on most Korean menus. After trying endless sad plates of ddukbokki, I stumbled upon Yupdduk and I must say… it changed my life!

Yupdduk sets itself apart by being a restaurant that specializes in making ddukbokki. Originally from Korea, the restaurant has expanded to Southern California and touts itself as the spiciest restaurant brand of Korea. And boy, they are not kidding! Having had so much Korean food, I always found that in terms of spiciness, its bark was worse than its bite… but the ddukbokki at Yupdduk is without a doubt one of the spiciest things I have ever eaten. Be sure to scale down what you would normally order in terms of spiciness! Aside from the obvious heat, the sauce itself is remarkably savory, flavorful, and with just a hint of sweetness for balance. Whether you decide to order yup dduk (more rice cakes) or yup o (more fish cakes), the large portion at Yupdduk is perfect for sharing with friends or loved ones. The menu also features a wide variety of toppings and side dishes, which I highly recommend to complement the fiery ddukbokki.

Yupdduk is without a doubt the best (and perhaps only) restaurant in the US that specializes in making spectacular ddukbokki.  This 3 star restaurant is definitely worth making a trip for just to have the best ddukbokki outside of Korea.


3603 W 6th St

Los Angeles, CA 90020

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